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Carla Siemens

Director of Administration


Life Story

I was born into a Christian home and came to know the Lord as my personal Savior at an early age. I have always been sensitive to God’s working in my life but didn’t come to a place of truly grieving my sin, and therefore truly knowing my need to be saved, until sometime in my 20’s. Thankfully, that awareness has never dulled and I love my God more and more as I lean on Him through the joys and the storms of life.


I met my husband, Paul, when I was a teenager and we married at age 20 and 21. We have 4 amazing kids who keep us laughing and praying at all times! 


I didn’t know that marrying Paul would include moving several times including to Whistler, to Squamish, to Orlando, and finally back to Abbotsford but isn’t that just the way God works to draw us closer to Himself?!


Upon returning to Abbotsford, I had the blessing of working for a women’s pastor who gave me the tools to study the Bible and therefore deepen my love for God, for His word, and for His people. I have learned how important it is to have fellow brothers and sisters to walk alongside us and to study God’s word together in order to persevere in our faith.


I try to remember that each day I wake up is a gift and to use it as such!

My Hope for King Road Church

My hope would be that we would be a people who value God’s word as the ultimate authority in our daily lives. To value the word is to know the word, to know the word is to study the word. Let’s be lifelong learners! 


Also, let’s love one another and spur each other on along the journey as each one is in a different place and that is exactly as it should be.

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King Road Mennonite Brethren Church | 32068 King Road Abbotsford BC Canada V2T 5Z5 | Phone: 604-864-0030 | All rights reserved.

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