Looking to get into God's word this fall?
We'd love to have you join us as we study through the books of Judges and Ruth.
This study will be a two-part study (fall semester and winter semester) where we will use the inductive Bible study method (observe, interpret, apply) to learn and grow in our faith and our love for God.
Each study night will include a time of homework discussion, teaching, and prayer time together. No previous experience necessary!
Throughout the year, we offer various opportunities for adults to get connected: Men's & Women's Bible studies, Women of Hope (once a month, typically the last Friday of the month), and GLCs (Multi-generational Small Groups).
We also have German Bible Studies, and a German ladies sewing group (Tabea Verein).
Keep an eye out for special events! We have Men's BBQs and Women's events once or twice a year.